Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Food Food Food

Do you ever feel the urge to turn your car slightly towards the entrance to your favorite fast food place?

I have decided my gps needs to be programmed, and say "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels, get back on the road!"

"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels", this saying has been on a magnet on the side of my grandpa's fridge for as long as I can remember.

It never really meant anything to be until this last year when I started my weight loss journey.

How did it I get to being overweight? Well let's see, I choose to eat fast food, junk food, etc. as a quick easy way out. I was a new mom I thought that it was "easy", and didn't take away time from spending with my child. Soon I had gained all of my pregnancy weight back plus some.

"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels", this is now written on the side of my fridge, to help remind me every time I go in to the kitchen and think I need that sweet treat.

Eating all the junk food, greasy fast food, it all doesn't taste as good now when the guilt kicks in afterwards. After I finish, I feel the guilt, why did I just ruin my good food day? To be honest the food doesn't even taste the same, my stomach can't handle all that grease like I did before. Not only do I feel mental guilt, I usually always feel physically sick as well.

Food is the hardest part of my weight loss journey. I go back and forth so much on it. I can have a great few days, and then decide that McDonald's just sounds so good. Eating almost as many calories as I do in a day, in a single meal.

I need to get better about eating "clean". 80% of weight loss is food.

I think I need to add that to the side of my fridge as well.

On another note, I have decided to the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, starting on Oct. 1st, in addition to my regular workout routine. I have heard alot of people having good results, as long as they stick with the routine.

Here's to a lighter me by the end of October!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Scale

The scale and I have a love/hate relationship. When I see the number I want, I love the scale, and want to use it all the time. When the scale doesn't want to show me that number I hate it and want to throw the damn thing away.

Here's the catch the scale is just a number. That number doesn't define me, and the hard work I have but in. It's just a number! I also have to look past the base number. At home I just have a basic scale no fancy gadgets, or readouts, just the weight and that's it. At class we have a Tanita scale that gives you the breakdown of your bmi, fat %, fat mass, ffm, tbw, etc. It's really great to have access to this type of scale to see the differences. You might be up on your number, but did you gain muscle mass, or gain water weight.

Here's my latest weight in comparsion. I weighed in 10 days apart, usually I weigh in every Monday, but with all the slacking I held off a little bit.

My weight went up .8 lbs, but I lost 2.4 lbs of fat mass! I gained 2.2 lbs of water weight, and 1 lb of muscle!

I will take that .8 lbs weight gain any day if it  breaks down to numbers like that. This why the scale is just a number, and have to look past that number.

Last night, I went to the 520 kickboxing class at Kosama. It was a 50 min class including warm-up and cool-down, and I burned 698 calories! It felt great, usually I am around the 550-600 calories per class, but I was kicking it up a notch last night and it paid off.

I love kickboxing class! Punching the bag just makes Monday's not seem so bad. Releases the stress that I have built up, and gives me an hour of me time. I need the me time, I have 4 year old who I love to death, but still need a little time to myself other than work that's no fun, so it doesn't count.

It always feels great when you walk out of class soaked in sweat, knowing you accomplished something.

You can feel sore tomorrow, or you can feel sorry choose! I choose feel sore any day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The beginning

I am creating a blog....what? I am really not the type of person to write down my feelings, but I feel this may help keep me more accountable on my weight loss journey. Here goes nothing!

I started my weight loss journey on July 18th, 2011. I joined Kosama a local 8 week fitness challenge.

I debated signing up for Kosama, for several months. When I finally took the plunge, and signed up I was full of mixed emotions: excited, scared, anxious. Two weeks before starting the program, my friend I signed up with fell, and broke her leg. I felt like quitting right there, before I even started.

I went to pre-assessments with one goal in mind “to win”,and lose 20 lbs in my 8 week session. I even told Holly as I was getting my pictures taken “I’m in it to win it”. The 1st week of class was hard. I remember wishing I had handicap bars in my bathroom as my legs were so sore to sit. I knew I had to stick it out. The next 7 weeks went by quickly, and I was actually enjoying it. It was the end of the session, and time for post-assessments. I lost 20.2 lbs, and was the winner of my session. I reached my 8 week goal, but there was no stopping there.The coaches, Brad and Holly, were also a huge part of my success. They pushed me harder in class, motivated me, and were there to help me every step of the way.

In 8 months at Kosama, I was able to lose 40 lbs. I am still continuing my journey with Kosama, and have realized it isn’t a diet/ workout program. It is a life style change.
Fastforward 6 months now....I have gained 10 lbs back now. I wasn't going to class everyday, slacked on my eating, and excuse after excuse but I know it was my fault. I was the one that choose to hit the snooze button at 4:15 AM, and I was the one the choose to stop at DQ for a blizzard. Slacking off majorly this summer and missing class way more than I should have.
All summer I said I will start eating better and workout everyday starting Monday, and then Monday would come around and it wouldn't happen. We now are at the end of September, and I have got to get back into the groove of things. No more tomorrow's, it starts TODAY!